Savage model 1899 value
Savage model 1899 value

We prefer you use the Standard Catalog of Firearms. Anything else will be deleted.Īll members are invited to participate but no guessing. Our entire range of staff, are more than happy to assist you, as well as many of our membership in general, in order to try and answer your questions. If not, START A NEW THREAD instead of bringing up an old post that has already been answered. You may try doing a SEARCH and find your gun value. If you have an old gun and the markings on it are E over LG then the gun was made in Belgium. Clear, sharp pictures.full length, both left and right sides, as well as closeups of any unusual features, engraving, etc. Tell us all marking, words, and letters anywhere on the gun. Please describe the item in as much detail as possible.ĭetail does not mean "in good shape" ,describe how the wood is, how much blueing (% of original finish left) there is etc., and anything else you see that may be helpful.

savage model 1899 value savage model 1899 value

In order to get a good valuation for your rifle please read the following which I copied and pasted from one of the stickies above.

Savage model 1899 value